Marlborough Midweek - 21 May 2014

Table of content - Marlborough Midweek (21 May 2014)

Smile, pass it on
Enjoying our fine autumn
Orchestra stirring is under way
Kids take to doing good deeds
Ride for worthy cause
Signing teacher leaves lasting legacy
Plunket shares birthday
Olives need willing workers
Ex-smoker’s quest to quit recorded
Shirts grab attention for cause
School starts preschool programme
Islands hold our most precious treasure
No place like home in the Sounds
Winter woollies for wee ones
Modern Godzilla worth watching
Time to plan for retirement is now
Competitiveness priority
Reps primed to take the field
Skateboards the canvas in youth art contest
Fossil finding fun
Weaver’s portrait in place
Knocking off The Ned

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